An Effective Resource Management Within an Airport Environment
Resource management within an airport environment can be very time consuming and complicated, if not managed efficiently can be very costly to the bottom line. Wages is one of the biggest controllable expenses in the airline industry.

Rostering And Workforce Management: Software for the Aviation Industry
MizziSoft has been working with the airline industry since 1996, alongside Airlines to design and develop software specifically for the Aviation industry. The result is specialized software for the management and rostering of staff covering all area of the airport operation. MizziSoft Team is a combination of ICT professionals and ex Airline employees who research, develop and deliver cutting-edge software solutions to improve workforce management.
Airline Operations: Web-based Revolution
Founded in Melbourne in 1992, MizziSoft first developed a workforce-management platform for the high-paced casino industry, but has since expanded its service to a web-based platform well suited to aviation. MizziSoft's smart automation, including auto-approval of swipe-ins that fall within a grace period, saves the supervisor the time and effort of doing all the work on paper.

5 Stages: Toward Building Better Rosters
EzHrPay Functionality
- Cloud based
- Aviation specialized functionality
- Password security controls
- Task management
- Skill base allocation
- Skill rotation and proficiency
- Check-in queue management algorithm
- Import flight schedule
- FIDS import with real-time schedule updates
- Dynamic rostering and manpower management
- Automated task generation
- Auto allocation (Task shifts, employees, etc.)
- Workload demands
- Day of operation - live updates
- Time and attendance management
- Award/Shift interpretation for costing and payroll
- Time capture management
- Kiosk - employee roster display, leave requests
- Travel time management
- Event management
- Leave management
- Roster patterns management
- User access controls
- Bulk data uploads
- Online user manual
The Workload Demands
Utilizing the functionality within EzHrPay provides displays to determine optimal resource requirements for maximum utilization of the workforce.
- Visual display of workload demands (peaks and troughs)
- Determining optimal shift duration & shift pattern models
- Resource type combinations (Full time, Part time, etc.)
- Utilization Charts
- Airports are a dynamic environment which have a unique set of requirements to which EzHRPay can meet.

EzHrPay: The Software
EzHrPay has been written to perform using the latest cloud base technology accessed by an PC with internet access, office, home, cafe, etc.
- Access from any smart device, laptop, tablet and some smartphones
- Designed to operate with low bandwidth reception
- NO requirement for additional infrastructure costs
- NO software installation costs
Airline Functionality
EzHrPay is a comprehensive end to end package from long term planning to the day of operations, it has functionality which has been tailored to the airline and Aviation industry. Dynamic Rosters driven by aircraft schedules, provided by official scheduling institutions, import facility functionality to manually edit data and insert new flights.
Baggage service
Airport Terminal Services
Employee Information Website / Portal / Self Service
Communication between employers and employees is essential. EzHrPay employee information website / portal / self-service provides a good tool for staff communication.
- Sign in to the system from any computer, tablet, or smartphone (Internet access)
- Use a secure password for personal login
- Show schedule
- Shift time
- Shift location
- Task display
- Staff credit card information
- Leave application
- Staff overtime requirements
- Staff shift

Training and System Configuration
Training and support will be provided by the MizziSoft team. The customer will control the software settings and configuration. This process has two advantages:
- The software configuration will match the business operation
- Get additional knowledge to manage the application and reconfigure the software to meet future needs.

Day Employee Scheduling Management
Easy Roster in the day of the staff scheduling management function is real-time:
- Real-time flight updates with FIDS
- Confirm flight changes and show impact
- Tasks and resource allocation
- Equipment allocation

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